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HALLOWEEN Johny Johny Yes Papa | Nursery Rhyme Songs for Kids | Funtastic Playhouse

Duration: 15:08Views: 4.5KLikes: 15Date Created: Oct, 2021

Channel: FUNTASTIC Playhouse

Category: Education

Tags: fantastic tvkids songsyes papascary johny johny yes papakids musicjony jony yes papakids tvjohny johny yes papahalloween kidsjohnny johnny yes papafuntastic playhousejohnny johnnyjohn john yes papabumble breehalloween songs for kidshalloween songsjohny johnyhalloween for kidsnursery rhymes for kidschildrens musicjonny jonny jonny yes papanursery rhymes songsnursery rhymesfuntastic tv

Description: Johny and his sister are going trick or treating for Halloween! Will Johny be honest or eat too much candy and make him self sick? These fun songs for kids this will get you in the mood for Halloween! Watch Our Most Popular Videos Here: goo.gl/C16B23 SUBSCRIBE: goo.gl/p7aUaJ Johny Johny Yes Papa | Halloween Songs for Kids | Funtastic Playhouse Watch Our Best Videos Here! goo.gl/cKdagg Watch Our Newest Videos Here! goo.gl/8b9jf4 Watch Nursery Rhymes & Songs Here! goo.gl/vF5KKj

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